
This section clarifies how to advertise with RaidSharksBot.

The free version of RaidSharksBot comes with integrated advertising. RaidSharksbot´s ads are very effective and reach Click-Through-Rates between 0.7 - 1,1 % on average. This high CTR rate makes advertising with RaidSharksBot very effective and cost-efficient. Because most Telegram bots are not able to gain valuable data of CTR rates, they solely focus on increasing impressions. RaidSharksBot is far beyond that and focusses on high quality and attractive ad displays and an optimal CTR rate.

As a project owner, that is exactly what you are after!


Where is my Ad being displayed?

RaidSharksBot has integrated Text-based ads and also Graphical ads (GIF´s or Banners).

  1. GIF´s are displayed within the User Interface.

  1. Text-Ads which are displayed to all Telegram members. The Bot reposts itself multiple times during an ongoing raid. So, it will be displayed multiple times on each raid and moves to the bottom of the chat automatically.

How much is an ad and how long will it be displayed?

The User Interface opens up on full screen and makes sure the ad is always visible on first glance during an ongoing raid. The Ads are able to rotate, so we can show different Ads to the same User on each opening of the Interface. That makes advertising blocks much more effective. Advertising in RaidSharksBot starts for a very affordable rate of 0.05 ETH and is based on Impressions. There are more time-based packages available which always cover the whole day. Please note, that all White Label customers get 50% discounts on advertising. Time-based ads are shown 24h and there is no "best" spot like on many other Telegram Bots. The ads can "rotate" within the bots and groups and the inbuilt algorithm makes sure, that ads are being displayed to as much different user´s as possible, but it also makes sure, that it's displayed to the same user multiple times to increase brand recognition.

Got it! So now, where can I book an Ad?

Just follow this link to get more information about available packages and book your ad.

Last updated