Graphical Ads
Premium Graphical-Ads - Best visibility in RaidSharksBot.
Last updated
Premium Graphical-Ads - Best visibility in RaidSharksBot.
Last updated
Graphical Banner Ads in RaidSharksBot starts for a very affordable rate 50 USD per 24 hours. Each "Slot" covers 24h and there is no "best" spot like on many other Telegram Bots. The ads can "rotate" within the bots and groups and the inbuilt algorithm makes sure, that ads are being displayed to as much different user´s as possible, but it also makes sure, that it's displayed to the same user multiple times to increase brand recognition. There is a maximum of 3 Slots per day available so the amount of ads to rotate is limited.
You can book Premium Ads – meaning your ad will be shown exclusively on that particular day. 📅✨
This reserves all available ad slots for a specific ad type for your project at once, making that day unavailable for others. 🚫
Important: Premium ads are only available as long as no other ad slot was booked on that day 🛑
RaidSharksBot´s graphical animated ads are shown within the Mini Application of the free version of RaidSharksBot and all other customized Bots which did not purchase AD-Free package. RaidSharksbot´s graphical ads are very effective and reach high Click-Through-Rates. This high CTR rate makes advertising with RaidSharksBot very effective and cost-efficient. Because most Telegram bots are not able to gain valuable data of CTR rates, they solely focus on increasing impressions. RaidSharksBot is far beyond that and focusses on high quality and attractive ad displays and an optimal CTR rate.
As a project owner, that is exactly what you are after!
GIF´s are displayed within the User Interface.