Verification (Admins)

Basic Information about Verifications for Admins and Group Owners.

This section covers basic Information about Verifications for Admins and Group Owners. If you are a normal User, please jump to User Section.

RaidSharksBot does allow non-verified Users to participate in raids if set up correctly by admins. However, one of the main purposes of the Bot is building a leaderboard. To get the full potential, Users should verify their X Accounts. Please note, that you can choose to run the bot in "Verification-Only" mode. If that mode is activated, non-verified users aren´t allowed to participate. On First Install, RaidSharksBot is set to allow users to participate without verification.

RaidSharksBot needs basic information to build a leaderboard. Therefore, RaidSharksBot wants to verify, that a certain Telegram User has access to a certain Twitter (X) account.

☝️This verification is optional and it´s not a login - There is no connection made between your Telegram and your Twitter Account! No passwords needed at all!

To verify yourself with the bot, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the WebApp by using /raidsettings command within your group and click on the button "Adjust Settings"

  2. It will open the WebApp and show an "Onboarding" screen on first contact, which gives you basic information about the bot.

  3. Hit the blue "Verify" button on top right of the WebApp and follow the guide. Please note that there is no need to verify RaidSharksBot with the official X Account of the project - just use your personal one. Please note that the Twitter Username is sensitive to upper case and lower case letters!

  4. Done! You are now verified with RaidSharksbot. If you encountered any problems, please check Verification Troubleshooting.

  5. Proceed with step "How to Raid"

If "Onboarding" page is not shown you can just hit the blue "Verify" Button on top right of the WebApp and follow the same guide.

Last updated