Live Notifications

As soon as a Raid is started and its status is ACTIVE a user who generates a "Smash" by opening the tweet through the bot, will trigger a Live Notification (if turned ON in settings):

This notification will include the following information:

  • Direct link to the ongoing raid

  • Telegram username of interacting user

  • counter for targets (achieved / target)

Live Raid stats can be toggled ON or OFF. This setting can be changed on the fly and affects and ongoing raid immediately. Check "Live Stats Notification" in Raid Settings for more information.

Please note, that the bot automatically deletes a Live Notification a few seconds after a new notification was generated and dropped. If there are many interactions simultanuesly it combines those interactions in one message. So, if people do not see their "Smash" Interaction message being displayed by the bot, they might have been too slow with hopping back from X to your chat to see it before the bot deleted it.

Last updated