End your Raid
There are 3 ways to end an ongoing raid and change its status from ACTIVE to INACTIVE...
Meet your Target Targets are defined in "Smashes", which is redirecting the User to your tweet on Twitter (X). So the main target is to redirect as many users as possible to your tweet and make them interact with that tweet. As soon as your target is reached, the raid will automatically end and an end message will be shown.
Start a new Raid If you decide to start a new raid while another raid is ongoing, it will end the previous one and starts a new one. Please note that people can still use the ended raid and interact with your tweet, but they won´t be able to gain points anymore. Also note, that this method will trigger a "silent" audit and won´t show a Raid Summary message.
Resume an ongoing raid with /resume command You can end any onoing raid manually by using /resume command. This is becoming handy if you are not able to meet your set target and you do not want to start another raid like stated in point 2. It will become even more important if you decide to use Chat mute during an ongoing raid.
All 3 methods will distribute points to users who interacted with your tweet until the moment the raid ends.
As soon as a raid has been ended through one of those methods above, people do NOT earn any more points. So the bot is designed to go for one raid after the other.
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