Access Settings UI

RaidSharksBot uses a unique graphical user interface which makes it very easy to set up. This section is made to explain how to bring up this settings menu. We will go through each single option within the next sections.

Open Settings from Telegram

  1. Use /raidsettings command within the group you installed RaidSharksBot in. It will prompt a message which shows your current targets and settings.

  1. By clicking on "Adjust settings" it will open up the general settings page. There are four main sections. All are shown below.

  1. Please note, there are three different tabs. "Raid Settings" controls all settings for your raids. Integrations Settings will contain data to use Verified Links Pages and X Analysis. Finley AI Tab will control and setup your AI Raid Companion. "Competitions" will manage and create X Raid Competitions (raid2earn).

  2. Adjust whatever setting you like. The Bot will save our input immediately or submit on click. It shows a short prompt within the WebApp when settings have been saved.

Open Settings from within WebApp

The general settings UI can also be opened through the WebApp anytime by clicking the ⚙️ symbol on top right. It´s highlighted in blue within the picture above.

The settiings page is directly accessible from within all tabs and sub-tabs.

Most settings can´t be applied "On-The-Fly" to an ongoing raid. So please be adviced, that they will apply on NEXT raid.

The settings are shown to all Users. However, only admins can change them

Last updated