βœ…How to Opt-In

  1. Open Chrome Browser and go to raidsharksbot.com/rev-share. (Chrome Browser is highly recommended)

  2. Click on β€žConnect Walletβ€œ. Make sure you only use the link above and do not fall for any Scam Airdrops out there.

  3. Read the disclaimer and make sure that you have β€žEligible for Rev-Shareβ€œ ticked before you proceed.

  4. Connect your Wallet via β€žMetamaskβ€œ, β€žWallet Connectβ€œ or β€žCoinbase Walletβ€œ. (We will listen to your feedback, which connection method you want us to add later.)

  5. Sign the Message using your wallet.

  6. Done. You are now eligible for Rev Share. Seeing a small icon on top right of the dashboard which says β€žEnrolledβ€œ means that you are all set and your wallet will receive Rev-Share automatically at the end of the whole cycle. Make sure to understand "Cycles" and "Periods". Also make yourself familiar with the "Dashboard".

Last updated