
What are Airdrops / Competitions?

RaidSharksBot is a powerful Telegram X Raid Bot, that allows projects to airdrop their own crypto tokens or native currencies on most EVM compatible chains as reward for participation in Twitter (X) raids. Competitions are special X raid challenges which can be set up in RaidSharksBot. They run for a certain time or until a certain goal is met and they include all raids made during that particular set timeframe. The Bot will build an own leaderboard solely for this competition. Community members can participate in raids, gain points and climb the leaderboard to finally be airdropped by the bot for their support - fully automated. That also includes wallet creation (for Users and Communities) by a simple Email OTP - processed via our Partner Flooz.xyz - All without ever leaving Telegram! So you do not need to connect your own wallet at any point. RaidSharksBot offers various competition modes, allowing projects to airdrop own crypto tokens or natives to reward participants.

Group owners and admins have the flexibility to customize these competitions by selecting different modes and criteria to suit their specific needs.

How does it work?

ItΒ΄s as easy as it gets. Basically we only need two things...

  1. A group Admin or Owner who uses RaidSharksBot and is willing to reward raiders. They can set up a Community Wallet in RaidSharksBot by following this guide. This wallet will serve as a wallet bound to that specific group. Most EVM compatible token can be airdropped. Projects can manually send compatible EVM tokens into that wallet and use them to create Airdrop competitions.

  2. Users who participate in a competition. Those Users will be guided to set up a Private Wallet just before first airdrop receipt. Once they have set up their private wallet, these users will automatically receive whatever token is airdropped by any future competition. Private wallets will be able to receive all rewards in all groups users participated in. So users only need to set the wallet up once and they are ready to be rewarded in all groups doing competitions with RaidSharksBot.

What Tokens can be airdropped?

RaidSharksBot is able to airdrop any token (also your projects token) or natives on most EVM compatible Blockchains (Please find a full List of compatible chains here). Solana support is in the works and will follow soon! There are some things you should know: As airdropping your raiders will cost fees, we highly recommend airdropping on a chain which has low gas fees. RaidSharks and Flooz will cover all fees on Base Chain, so these airdrops are completely free of gas fees. Usually, transfers on Binance Smart Chains cost a few cents. But Ethereum may become "expensive" to process airdrops.

Airdropping on ETH network may incur a lot of gas fees.

Since EVM compatible chains like ETH, Base or BSC share the same wallet addresses, consider airdropping on a cheaper chain instead. In any case, aside on base chain, airdropping your raiders will cost fees, so your community wallet should contain some native tokens to cover those gas fees. Otherwise transactions will fail.

What problem does it solve?

The Competitions Feature by RaidSharks addresses the challenge of efficiently managing and rewarding large groups of participants in your ecosystem. By fully integrating into your platform, it automates the entire reward distribution process, including wallet setup, reward calculation, and airdrop execution.

Imagine you want to reward your top raiders weekly or daily with airdrops of your native token. While manually handling rewards for a small group of 10 users might be feasible, doing so for hundreds or thousands of users becomes impractical due to the significant time and effort required to manage wallets and execute transactions manually. The Competitions Feature streamlines this process, saving you time and ensuring accuracy at scale.

How does that increase engagement?

Over the past year, we've observed a common trend in competitions: only a small number of participants receive rewards while the majority are left empty-handed. This happens because manual reward distribution is cumbersome and impractical, leading most projects to focus on rewarding just the top performers (e.g., the top 10) and maybe adding a few lucky draws to keep things somewhat fair.

The Competitions Feature changes this dynamic by enabling projects to distribute rewards to all participants based on their individual contributions. This ensures a more fair system where everyone, even those who can only participate minimally, receives a share of the rewards.


Isn't it better to have 200 satisfied participants than just 10 happy and 190 disappointed community members? That's exactly what the Competitions Feature helps you achieve! By making reward distribution fair, inclusive and easy, it significantly boosts engagement and satisfaction across your community.

Last updated