This guide explains how to use the Customization Wizard to tailor the design of the Raid Bot for your Telegram group. The wizard uses a step-by-step interface, allowing you to make adjustments.
Last updated
This guide explains how to use the Customization Wizard to tailor the design of the Raid Bot for your Telegram group. The wizard uses a step-by-step interface, allowing you to make adjustments.
Last updated
To start the Customization Wizard:
Use the command /customize in your group
Follow the Button to be redirected to Bot DM
You must be an admin in the selected group, and the bot must also have admin rights.
No changes are applied or credits are reducted before you confirmed the last step "Finish & Save".
📝 Texts - $20 (1 Credit) Personalize RAID START and RAID END messages
🎬 Media - $40 (2 Credits) Upload RAID START and RAID END videos/GIFs
😃 Emoji - $40 (2 Credits) Set a Telegram standard emoji for bot outputs
🚫 "Powered By" Tag - $200 (10 Credits) Remove "Powered by RaidSharks" tag permanently
🔕 No Ads - $400 (20 Credits) Remove all ads from the bot (Telegram + Mini App)
Credits can be bought directly in the wizard with SOL, BNB, ETH or ETH on Base. Other currencies accepted on request only. Credits purchased are bound to the Group ID, not to a certain User.
Once a group is selected, the wizard displays a main menu with following options:
💳 Buy Credits: Add more credits to your group for customization.
🎬 Media: Set custom media for RAID START and RAID END message.
📝 Texts: Customize the RAID START and RAID END message textes.
😃 Emoji: Choose a specific emoji for bot outputs and buttons.
🔕 No Ads: Remove ads from the bot’s messages.
🚫 No "Powered by": Remove the "Powered by" branding.
✅ Finish & Save: Apply the selected changes.
❌ Cancel: Exit the wizard without saving changes.
We will go through each Option below!
Add credits to your group to enable customization. Each credit comes from 20 USD.
Set Credit Amount:
Use the "➕" and "➖" buttons to adjust the number of credits to buy.
Confirm Purchase:
The bot generates a payment link.
Click the provided link to complete the payment safely with Radom.
Credits Applied:
Once payment is successful, hit the refresh button within confirmation message. Then continue customization. If you left the wizard in the meantime, use /customize command from within your group again.
Please note, that CREDITS are bound to your group, not to a User. So all admins can access them and use them to customize the bot for that specific group.
The Media option allows you to set custom RAID START and RAID END videos or GIFs for your group. You can use MP4 or GIF files up to 15MB in file size. Pictures are not supported yet, but you can easily convert them to GIF files with this free utility:
Send RAID START Media:
The bot will prompt you to upload a video or GIF (maximum 15 MB).
After uploading, the bot saves it temporarily.
Send RAID END Media:
Upload a second video or GIF for the RAID END event.
The bot will confirm when both files are received.
Confirm Media:
The bot will display a confirmation message with options:
🔄 Re-upload: Restart the media upload process.
✅ Confirm: Save the uploaded media.
❌ Cancel: Discard changes.
BOTH Media can be changed for 2 credits
Customize textes shown within the RAID START and RAID END messages during raids. Please note, that some of the textes shown in Raid Messages are fixed and you cannot change them.
Enter RAID START Text:
The bot will prompt you to input text (maximum 600 characters).
Enter RAID END Text:
Provide text for the RAID END message (maximum 600 characters).
Confirm Texts:
The bot will display a preview of both messages and ask for confirmation.
🔄 Re-enter: Modify the text.
✅ Confirm: Save the text.
❌ Cancel: Discard changes.
Texts are automatically escaped for safe formatting in Markdown v2. The preview for Raid END message may contain a few characters you did not enter manually. Just ignore that.
BOTH Textes can be changed for 1 credit!
Assign a custom emoji to be shown in certain bot outputs and also in the "Raid" or "Quick Smash" button. RaidSharksBot usually displays this Emoji in standard "🦈". You can replace that with an standard Telegram Emoji of your choice.
Enter Emoji:
The bot will prompt you to input an emoji or an Emoji array (maximum 3 Emojis).
Only standard emojis are allowed (no Telegram premium/custom emojis).
Confirm Emoji:
🔄 Re-enter: Change the emoji.
✅ Confirm: Save the emoji.
❌ Cancel: Discard changes.
You can remove the "Powered by RaidSharks" tag which is usually shown in the Raid Message. Example below:
Select Remove Ads:
The bot will confirm the cost in credits.
Confirm Removal:
✅ Yes: Deduct credits and apply the change.
❌ No: Cancel the action.
These changes are permanent for your group once confirmed. Once removed you cannot restore it through the wizard. Reach out to support in that case.
You can remove all Ads from RaidSharksBot. That includes Text ads within the Raid messages and also Graphical Banner Ads which are shown within the mini application.
Select Remove Ads:
The bot will confirm the cost in credits.
Confirm Removal:
✅ Yes: Deduct credits and apply the change.
❌ No: Cancel the action.
These changes are permanent for your group once confirmed. Once removed you cannot restore it through the wizard. Reach out to support in that case!
Apply all selected changes and deduct the required credits shown..
Review Changes:
The bot summarizes the total credits needed and the available credits.
Apply Changes:
If sufficient credits are available, the bot applies the changes.
💳 Buy Credits: Add more credits if needed.
✅ Confirm: Finalize and save the changes.
❌ Cancel: Exit without saving.
The bot confirms that changes were applied successfully.
At any point, you can exit the wizard by typing /cancel
. All unsaved changes will be discarded and no credits will be charged.
This customization is beyond changing Graphics and using the wizard. It will be your own bot without branding or a "Powered by RaidSharks" tag inside the raid message. So you can bring your own Brand to others.
It includes your branding, your own bot name, custom textes, emoji and graphics (more details below). Furthermore it brings other benefits in regards to customization, discounts for services and exposure for your project. We offer superior 24/7 support to all of our Whitelabel customers and we also support them whenever we can.
Main contacts: @Crypto_Gunner / @Dante_9circles / @DeathWishCrypto
Customized GIF for start of a raid
Customized GIF for end message
Customized Textes
Customized Emoji (standard TG)
Your own Bot name
Your own Bot logo
Ad-free for lifetime
All future premium functions included
100 Customization Wizard Credits / Change your bot on the fly
An Announcement from our two official X accounts (+55k Followers)
Special conditions (discount) for advertising within @RaidSharksBot
There are two main options...
Customizing a bot for your group by making use of our Customization Wizard. That let you change every bot available to fit your group. In example setting your own Raid Start Video and Raid End Video comes for 2 credit (40 USD). There are a lot of options to choose from and it fits every budget, cause you can fully customize your experience as you like. Pay only what you need to change!
Go for a fully customized White Label solution which comes at a one-time payment of 0.25 ETH. That includes some exclusive benefits like an announcement from official X Accounts which also brings a lot of eyes to your project. Furthermore, you get exclusive support, your own bot username and your own bot logo. So it´s basically your own bot. Ownership can be transfered on request if you like to.
Also watch out for Special Offers, which won´t be mentioned here!
You can request your full customized "White Label" of our bot here:
Or just DM: @Crypto_Gunner / @Dante_9circles / @DeathWishCrypto
Use /customize command in your group!